IXC_ColorFlags Enumeration

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IXC_ColorFlags flags which specifies how the data will be copied


enum IXC_ColorFlags
    Color_Index     = 1;
    Color_Nearest   = 2;
    Color_Grayscale = 2;
    Color_AddColor  = 3;
    Color_UseAlpha  = 4;


This flag may be used when the destination page is Indexed (has palette).If this flag is not specified, and there is no corresponding color in the palette.
This flag may be used when the destination page is Indexed (has palette). When specified, in the situation where the color from the source page isn't present within the palette of the destination page, it will be replaced with the nearest color from this palette. If this flag is not specified, and there is no corresponding color in the palette, IIXC_Page::Place will fail.
This flag may be used when the destination page is Grayscale. When the flag is specified, in the situation where the copied pixel from source page isn't gray, it will be automatically converted to a gray level. If this flag is not specified, and the copied pixel isn't gray.
This flag may be used when the destination page is Indexed (has palette). When the flag is specified, in the situation where the color from the source page isn't present within the palette of the destination page, IIXC_Page::Place will try to add this color to destination page's palette. If there is no free space within the palette, IIXC_Page::Place will fail.
This flag may be used when the source page has an alpha channel. When specified, before copying data, the alpha channel will be applied. If this flag isn't specified, the alpha channel will be not premultiplied. The flag will be ignored if the destination page has no alpha channel.

See Also
