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The operation allows to change where the named destination will point to.


Name Type Description
Input Array Array of IUnknown-based objects that should contain the IPXC_Document with the named destination that needs to be set. Note that only the first element from the array will be evaluated.
Output Array Array of IUnknown-based objects containing the IPXC_Document with newly set named destination.
Options Dictionary Dictionary with options of the operation.


private void SetNamedDestination(PDFXEdit.IPXV_Document Doc, PDFXEdit.IPXV_Inst Inst)
	int nID = Inst.Str2ID("op.pdfNamedDests.set", false);
	PDFXEdit.IOperation Op = Inst.CreateOp(nID);
	var input = Op.Params.Root["Input"];
	input.v = Doc.CoreDoc;
	PDFXEdit.ICabNode options = Op.Params.Root["Options"];
	PDFXEdit.IPXC_NameTree Tree = Doc.CoreDoc.GetNameTree("Dests");
	if (Tree.Count > 0)
		options["Name"].v = Tree.get_ItemName(0);
		PDFXEdit.ICabNode dest = options["Dest"];
		dest["Page"].v = 0;