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Options Table

Name Type Value
PagesRange Dictionary Specifies the pages range in the current document that should be rotated.
Direction Integer Determines how to rotate the pages.

Possible values are:

0 0 degrees.
1 (Clockwise) Clockwise 90 degrees.
2 (180) Counterclockwise 90 degrees.
3 (CounterClockwise) 180 degrees.

Default value: 1 (Clockwise)

PagesOrientation Integer Specifies what pages are to be rotated.

Possible values are:

0 (All) All pages will be rotated.
1 (Portrait) Only pages with portrait orientation will be rotated.
2 (Landscape) Only pages with landscape orientation will be rotated.

Default value: 0 (All)

ExplicitSet Boolean If set as true the portrait/landscape orientation calculation will be done based on the pages rotation. If set as false the portrait/landscape orientation calculation will be done based on the pages dimension proportions.

Default value: false