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Options Table

Name Type Value
CommentsAction Integer Specifies what should be done to the annotations on pages.

Possible values are:

0 (Copy) The annotations will be copied from the original pages into source destination.
1 (Flatten) The annotations will become a part of the original pages' content.
2 (DontCopy) The annotations won't be copied to the destination.

Default value: 0 (Copy)

FieldsAction Integer Specifies what should be done to the fields on pages.

Possible values are:

0 (Copy) The form fields will be copied from the original pages into source destination.
1 (Flatten) The form fields will become a part of the original pages' content.
2 (DontCopy) The form fields won't be copied to the destination.

Default value: 1 (Flatten)

BookmarksAction Integer Specifies the action that would be applied to the bookmarks.

Possible values are:

0 (DontCopy) The bookmarks won't be copied at all.
1 (CopyAll) All of the bookmarks will be added to the destination. Bookmarks, that are not related to the current root bookmark, in a new file will not perform any action, - they will be only listed in the Bookmark Pane.
2 (CopyRelated) Only the related bookmarks will be copied to the destination document.

Default value: 1 (CopyAll)

AddRootBookmarks Boolean Specifies whether the root bookmarks that go to the start of each combined document should be added.

Default value: false