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Options Table

Name Type Value
S Integer Specifies the annotation's border style

Possible values are:

0 (Solid) A solid border surrounding the annotation.
1 (Dashed) A dashed rectangle surrounding the annotation. The dash pattern may be specified by the D entry.
2 (Beveled) A simulated embossed rectangle that appears to be raised above the surface of the page.
3 (Inset) A simulated engraved rectangle that appears to be recessed below the surface of the page.
4 (Underline) A single line along the bottom of the annotation rectangle.

Default value: 0 (Solid)

E Integer Specifies the annotation's border style effect

Possible values are:

0 (Standard) No effect.
1 (Cloudy) The border should appear “cloudy”.

Default value: 0 (Solid)

EL Double Specifies the effect level.

Default value: 1.0

W Double Specifies the border width.

Default value: 1.0

D Array Array of Double

Specifies the dash array defining a pattern of dashes and gaps that shall be used in drawing a dashed border.


2var border = new PDFXEdit.PXC_AnnotBorder();
3border.nStyle = PDFXEdit.PXC_AnnotBorderStyle.ABS_Dashed;
4border.nWidth = 4.0f;
5border.DashArray = new float[10];
6border.DashArray[0] = border.DashArray[1] = 16.0f; //Width of dashes
7border.nDashCount = 2; //Number of dashes

See Also
