PXC_SubmitFormActionFlags Enumeration
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Specifies the ...
enum PXC_SubmitFormActionFlags |
{ |
FSAF_Exclude = 1, |
FSAF_IncludeNoValues = 2, |
FSAF_ExportAsHTML = 4, |
FSAF_Method_GET = 8, |
FSAF_Submit_Coords = 16, |
FSAF_XFDF = 32, |
FSAF_IncludeAppendSaves = 64, |
FSAF_IncludeAnnots = 128, |
FSAF_SubmitPDF = 256, |
FSAF_CanonicalDates = 512, |
FSAF_ExcludeNonUserAnnots = 1024, |
FSAF_ExcludeFKey = 2048, |
FSAF_EmbeddForm = 8192, |
FSAF_Mask = 65535, |
FSAFE_IncludeNMKey = 268435456, |
}; |
- FSAF_Exclude
- The Specifies the exclude value. If Exclude has a value of false, that array defines a list of fields that should be excluded from all fields list before resetting.
- FSAF_IncludeNoValues
- The ...
- The FDF if clear; HTML if set.
- FSAF_Method_GET
- The ...
- FSAF_Submit_Coords
- The ...
- The used only when ~FAF_SubmitPDF.
- FSAF_IncludeAppendSaves
- The ...
- FSAF_IncludeAnnots
- The ...
- FSAF_SubmitPDF
- The ...
- FSAF_CanonicalDates
- The format of fields with Date.
- FSAF_ExcludeNonUserAnnots
- The used only when FAF_XFDF = 0 && FAF_ExportAsHTML = 0 && FAF_IncludeAnnots = 1.
- FSAF_ExcludeFKey
- The has meaning only for FDF. if set, /F entry excluded.
- FSAF_EmbeddForm
- The ...
- FSAF_Mask
- The ...
- FSAFE_IncludeNMKey
- The ...