Specifies the flags for the IPXC_BackgroundParams.
BackgroundFlag_Default = 0, |
BackgroundFlag_OffsetsInPercent = 1, |
BackgroundFlag_ScaleToPage = 2, |
BackgroundFlag_InvisibleOnView = 256, |
BackgroundFlag_InvisibleOnPrint = 512, |
BackgroundFlag_InvisibleOnExport = 1024, |
- BackgroundFlag_Default
- The default values will be used.
- BackgroundFlag_OffsetsInPercent
- The offset values will be interpreted as percents.
- BackgroundFlag_ScaleToPage
- The scaling value will be counted based on the page proportions.
- BackgroundFlag_InvisibleOnView
- The background will be invisible on the pages view.
- BackgroundFlag_InvisibleOnPrint
- The background will be invisible when printing document.
- BackgroundFlag_InvisibleOnExport
- The background will be invisible when exporting document.
See Also