IPXV_Control::ShowPane Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Shows/hides the UI-pane.
HRESULT ShowPane([in] BSTR sPaneID, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bShow, [in, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL bHighlightOnShow);
- sPaneID
- [in] The unique identifier of pane. For example:
- pageThumbnailsView
- bookmarksView
- contentsView
- attachmentsView
- signaturesView
- commentsView
- layersView
- pdfNamedDestsView
- propertiesView
- searchView
- stampsView
- commentStylesView
- panzoomView
- linksView
- ...
- bShow
- [in] The flag to show/hide.
- bHighlightOnShow
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] The flag to highlight an visible pane.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.