Adds a digital signature to the specified signature field if it wasn't signed before. Note that the signature will be applied only after the document was saved.
HRESULT DeferedDigitalSignField ([in] _CERT_CONTEXT* pCert, |
[in] IPXC_FormField* pField, |
[in] LPWSTR sContactInfo, |
- pCert
- [in] Pointer to _CERT_CONTEXT containing both the encoded and decoded representations of a certificate.
- pField
- [in] Pointer to IPXC_FormField containing the unsigned signature field to which the signature will be applied to.
- nFlags
- [in] Value of ULONG containing the sign document flags that determine how the signature field should appear on the page.
- sReason
- [in] Value of LPWSTR specifying the reason for signing, such as (I agree...).
- sLocation
- [in] Value of LPWSTR specifying the CPU host name or physical location of the signing.
- sContactInfo
- [in] Value of LPWSTR specifying the information provided by the signatory to enable a recipient to contact the signatory to verify the signature; for example, a phone number.
- sImageFile
- [in] Value of LPWSTR specifying the full path and file name of the image (if any) to be displayed within the signature field.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.
See Also