PXV_Control ActiveX Control

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The simple ActiveX Control that, when an OLE is embedded to a form or window, provides base functionality for the viewing and changing of PDF documents.

The control's GUID is:


The control's interface is:


The control's event sink interface is:


How to Instantiate

The easiest way to instantiate the control is to place the control on your form in form-designer mode. Otherwise, you may instantiate the control without placement, but it may be difficult in some programming languages to perform the required tasks. In C# for example:

AxPDFXEdit.AxPXV_Control pdfCtl = new AxPDFXEdit.AxPXV_Control();

How to Use

Firstly, to prevent showing DEMO labels on the various pages, we recommended specifying your PDF-XChange Editor SDK developer's license key using the IPXV_Control:SetLicKey method, having done so you will be able to use entire API free of the DEMO labels otherwise imposed.

Next, the most popular features you may wish to begin with are: