IPXV_Inst::SyncronizeCmdCustomization Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Forces to synchronize the layout/content of all toolbars from the specified UI-container (main frame, any sub-pane etc.) to other UI-containers with the same type.
HRESULT SyncronizeCmdCustomization([in] IUIX_Obj* pISource, [in] LONG nFlags, [in, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL bFireEvent);
- pISource
- [in] Pointer to IUIX_Obj object. For example, here you may pass the UI-object of IPXV_MainFrame to make the same toolbars layout/content in all other main frames.
- nFlags
- [in] A flags that indicates about type of the toolbars customization (see UIX_CmdCustomizedFlags). Function ignores this parameter when bFireEvent is set to false.
- bFireEvent
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] Specify true to send the
event to notify other handlers about new toolbars customization.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.