IPXS_PDFVariant::Arr_GetInt64 Method

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Returns the value of the specified element of an array as a 64-bit signed integer. If the specified element type is PVT_Double, it will be truncated to an integer. If specified element type is neither PVT_Integer nor PVT_Double, nDefValue is returned.


HRESULT Arr_GetInt64([in]                   ULONG      nIndex,
                     [in, defaultvalue(0)]  LONGLONG   nDefValue,
                     [out, retval]          LONGLONG*  nVal);


[in] Specifies the index of the array element.
[in, defaultvalue(0)] Default value that will be returned when specified index is out of range or the element is not a numeric value. If not specified, zero will be returned.
[out, retval] Pointer to LONGLONG variable that receives returned value.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases. Returns S_FALSE when nDefValue returned.

See Also