IPXV_Inst::ShowOpenFilesDlg Method

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:[in, defaultvalue(0)]  The optional parameter that specifies the handle of parent window.
:[in, defaultvalue(0)]  The optional parameter that specifies the handle of parent window.
:[in, defaultvalue(0)]  The flag to show hidden files.
[in, defaultvalue(0)]  Forces the showing of system and hidden files.
:[in, defaultvalue(0)]  The index of filter that should be selected initially.
:[in, defaultvalue(0)]  The index of filter that should be selected initially.

Revision as of 18:44, 26 May 2015

Shows an Open Files dialog box that lets the user specify the name of a file(s) to be opened.


HRESULT ShowOpenFilesDlg([in, defaultvalue("")]  BSTR                    pFileFilters,
                         [in, defaultvalue("")]  BSTR                    pInitialFolderName,
                         [in, defaultvalue(0)]   VARIANT_BOOL            bAllowMult,
                         [in, defaultvalue("")]  BSTR                    pDlgTitle,
                         [in, defaultvalue(0)]   HANDLE_T                hWndParent,
                         [in, defaultvalue(0)]   VARIANT_BOOL            bShowHidden,
                         [in, defaultvalue(0)]   LONG                    nFilterIndex,
                         [out, retval]           IPXV_OpenFilesDlgRes**  ppRes);


[in, defaultvalue("")] Specifies the set of file-filters for open dialog. For example:
PDF Documents (*.pdf)|*.pdf|All Files (*.*)|*.*
also you may specify some predefined sets:
<allSupp> - specifies all supported filters;
<allSuppImg> - specifies all supported images filters;
<allSuppRasterImg> - specifies all supported rester-images filters;
[in, defaultvalue("")] The initial folder path. If empty string is specified then current folder will be used.
[in, defaultvalue(0)] The flag to allow multiple files selection.
[in, defaultvalue("")] The title of dialog.
[in, defaultvalue(0)] The optional parameter that specifies the handle of parent window.

[in, defaultvalue(0)] Forces the showing of system and hidden files.

[in, defaultvalue(0)] The index of filter that should be selected initially.
[out, retval] Returns pointer to IPXV_OpenFilesDlgRes object.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.

See Also