IPXV_Inst::ShowMsgBoxEx Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
The extended method to show the custom message box in main thread.
HRESULT ShowMsgBoxEx([in] UIX_MsgBoxConfig* pConfig, [out] LONG* pOptionState, [out] LONG* pSelectedRadioID, [out] BSTR* ppEditText, [out, retval, defaultvalue(NULL)] LONG_PTR* pRes);
- pConfig
- [in] Pointer to UIX_MsgBoxConfig structure.
- pOptionState
- [out] Returns actual state of check-box on the message dialog.
- pSelectedRadioID
- [out] Returns ID of selected radio-box on the message dialog.
- ppEditText
- [out] Returns the text, entered by user in edit-box on the message dialog.
- pRes
- [out, retval, defaultvalue(NULL)] Returns the user's choice identifier. For possible values see UIX_MsgBoxResult.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.
//C++ HRESULT ShowWarningMsgBox() { UIX_MsgBoxConfig cfg = { 0 }; cfg.nSize = sizeof(UIX_MsgBoxConfig); cfg.nStyle = UIX_MsgBox_IconWarning | UIX_MsgBox_OK | UIX_MsgBox_AppModal; cfg.pTitle = L"Warning Title"; cfg.pText = L"Warning Text"; cfg.pPos = nullptr; cfg.hWndParent = (SIZE_T)::GetFocus(); return m_pInst->ShowMsgBoxEx(&cfg, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); }