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Options Table

Name Type Value
PaperType Integer Specifies the type of paper that would be used for page dimensions.

Possible values are:

1 (Standard) The page size value would be taken from the standard values table.
2 (Custom) The page size would be custom.

Default value: 1 (Standard)

StdPaperIndex Integer Specifies the index in the standard papers table.

The list of possible values are shown in the table.

Default value: 4 (A4)

Width Double Specifies the custom width of the page.

Default value: 595.276

Height Double Specifies the custom height of the page.

Default value: 841.89

Landscape Boolean Specifies whether the page should have portrait or landscape orientation.

Default value: false

HOffset Double Specifies the horizontal offset of the pages media box.

Default value: 0.0

VOffset Double Specifies the vertical offset of the pages media box.

Default value: 0.0

VOffsetFrom Integer Specifies where from the vertical offset would be taken.

The list of possible values are shown in the table.

Default value: 1 (Center)

HOffsetFrom Integer Specifies where from the horizontal offset would be taken.

The list of possible values are shown in the table.

Default value: 1 (Center)

ScalePage Boolean Specifies whether the content should be scaled with pages.

Default value: false

ConstraintProportions Boolean Specifies whether the content should constraint proportion when the page dimensions change.

Default value: false

PagesRange Dictionary Specifies the pages range which the page resizing should be applied to.