IUIX_Inst::GetCursorID Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Gets the ID by the cursor's name.
HRESULT GetCursorID([in] BSTR sCursorName, [out, retval] LONG* nCursorID);
- sCursorName
- [in] Value of BSTR containing the cursor name. Possible values are:
- hand.up
- hand.down
- article.onstart
- article.next
- article.prev
- article.tostart
- article.toend
- zoom.in
- zoom.out
- zoom.na
- drag.move
- drag.copy
- drag.delete
- draw.inside
- draw.node
- text.inside
- cross
- cross.minus
- cross.plus
- knee.h
- knee.v
- snapshot
- loupe
- text.select.h
- text.select.v
- link
- link.web
- pen
- pen_up
- mcs.up
- mcs.topright
- mcs.right
- mcs.bottomright
- mcs.down
- mcs.bottomleft
- mcs.left
- mcs.topleft
- nCursorID
- [out, retval] Pointer to LONG containing the cursor ID.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.