IPXV_Control::GoToDestination Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Navigates in pages view to the specified destination point on pages.
HRESULT GoToDestination([in] PXC_Destination* stDest, [in, defaultvalue(0)] ULONG nGoDestFlags);
- stDest
- [in] Pointer to PXC_Destination structure that specifies new view point on the pages view.
- nGoDestFlags
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] An additional flags, see PXV_GotoDestinationFlags.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.
//C# private void zoomToContentToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { uint nPageNumber = 0; PDFXEdit.PXC_Rect rcBBox = pdfCtl.Doc.CoreDoc.Pages[nPageNumber].get_Box(PDFXEdit.PXC_BoxType.PBox_BBox); PDFXEdit.PXC_Destination dest = new PDFXEdit.PXC_Destination(); dest.nType = PDFXEdit.PXC_DestType.Dest_FitR; dest.dValues = new Double[4]; dest.dValues[0] = rcBBox.left; dest.dValues[1] = rcBBox.bottom; dest.dValues[2] = rcBBox.right; dest.dValues[3] = rcBBox.top; dest.nPageNum = nPageNumber; pdfCtl.GoToDestination(ref dest); }