IPXC_Annotation::Actions Property
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Property Actions returns or sets list of actions associated with the annotation for the specific trigger. For most annotations only Trigger_Up
is used.
HRESULT get_Actions([in] PXC_TriggerType nTrigger, [out, retval] IPXC_ActionsList** ppActions); HRESULT put_Actions([in] PXC_TriggerType nTrigger, [in] IPXC_ActionsList* ppActions);
- nTrigger
- [in] Specifies the trigger for which list of action should set or retrieved.
//C# public bool HasInvalidPaths(PDFXEdit.IPXC_Annotation annot) { uint invalidCount = 0; uint GoTo = pxsInst.StrToAtom("GoTo"); uint GoToR = pxsInst.StrToAtom("GoToR"); uint Launch = pxsInst.StrToAtom("Launch"); PDFXEdit.IPXC_ActionsList actions = annot.get_Actions(PDFXEdit.PXC_TriggerType.Trigger_Up); for (uint k = 0; k < actions.Count; k++) { if ((actions[k].Type == GoTo) || (actions[k].Type == GoToR)) { PDFXEdit.IPXC_Action_Goto actionGoTo = (PDFXEdit.IPXC_Action_Goto)actions[k]; if (actionGoTo.IsValid == false) { invalidCount++; } else if (actions[k].Type == GoToR) { PDFXEdit.IPXC_FileSpec path = actionGoTo.Target; if (File.Exists(path.DIPath) == false) invalidCount++; } } else if (actions[k].Type == Launch) { PDFXEdit.IPXC_Action_Launch actionLaunch = (PDFXEdit.IPXC_Action_Launch)actions[k]; if (actionLaunch.IsValid == false) { invalidCount++; } else { PDFXEdit.IPXC_FileSpec path = actionLaunch.FileSpec; if (path == null) { if (File.Exists(actionLaunch.FileName) == false) invalidCount++; } else { if (File.Exists(path.DIPath) == false) invalidCount++; } } } } return (invalidCount > 0); }