- 1 Options Table
- 2 Images Table
- 3 Scale Table
- 4 Color Table(Scale)
- 5 Grayscale Table (Scale)
- 6 Indexed Table (Scale)
- 7 Mono Table (Scale)
- 8 Comp Table
- 9 Color Table (Comp)
- 10 Grayscale Table (Comp)
- 11 Indexed Table (Comp)
- 12 Mono Table (Comp)
- 13 Fonts Table
- 14 UnembedFonts Table
- 15 Transparency Table (Not yet implemented)
- 16 DiscardObjects Table
- 17 DiscardUserData Table
- 18 CleanUp Table
Options Table
Name | Type | Value |
Images | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for optimize images. |
Fonts | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for optimize fonts. |
Transparency | Dictionary | Not yet implemented. |
DiscardObjects | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for discard objects. |
DiscardUserData | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for discard user`s data. |
CleanUp | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for cleanup document. |
VersionForSave | Integer | Specifies a PDF document`s version wich will be used for save.
For receive a valid value use conctruction val = ((major) << 16) | ((minor) & 0xFFFF) (for example version 1.7 = ((1) << 16) | ((7) & 0xFFFF) If you want to leave current version set this parameter to 0. We recommend to use higher or the same version of original document. Default value: 0 |
PresetID | String | Specifies an unique identifier of special preset of options that exists in Editor's settings. End-user may create multiple presets for different operations to enhance convenience of using. If specified preset already exists then operation will use preset's options to show dialog or perform its work.
Default value: Empty String |
Progress | IUnknown | Specifies a object based on IProgressMon interface. This object realise progress bar for operation. |
SubProgress | Boolean | Specifies whether the Progress is a top-level progress, or a part of another progress bar.
Default value: false |
Images Table
Name | Type | Value |
Enabled | Boolean | If Enabled == false then optimize will not be use for images.
Default value: true |
ReducedOnly | Boolean | If ReducedOnly == true then optimize images only if there is reduction in size.
Default value: true |
Scale | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for scaling images. |
Comp | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for compressing images. |
Scale Table
Name | Type | Value |
Color | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for scaling fullcolor images. |
Grayscale | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for scaling grayscale images. |
Indexed | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for scaling images with indexed palette. |
Mono | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for scaling monochrome images (1bit color). |
Color Table(Scale)
Name | Type | Value |
Method | Integer | Specifies a method which will be used for downsampling fullcolor images.
Valid values are: 0- No downsampling 1- Average downsampling 2- Subsampling 3- Bicubic downsampling Default value: 3 |
To | Integer | Specifies DPI for resulting images.
Default value: 150 |
IfAbove | Integer | All fullcolor images with DPI above this value will be optimized.
Default value: 225 |
Grayscale Table (Scale)
Name | Type | Value |
Method | Integer | Specifies a method which will be used for downsampling grayscale images.
Valid values are: 0- No downsampling 1- Average downsampling 2- Subsampling 3- Bicubic downsampling Default value: 3 |
To | Integer | Specifies DPI for resulting images.
Default value: 150 |
IfAbove | Integer | All grayscale images with DPI above this value will be optimized.
Default value: 225 |
Indexed Table (Scale)
Name | Type | Value |
Method | Integer | Specifies a method which will be used for downsampling images with indexed palette.
Valid values are: 0- No downsampling 1- Subsampling Default value: 1 |
To | Integer | Specifies DPI for resulting images.
Default value: 150 |
IfAbove | Integer | All images with indexed palette with DPI above this value will be optimized.
Default value: 225 |
Mono Table (Scale)
Name | Type | Value |
Method | Integer | Specifies a method which will be used for downsampling monochrome images (1bit color).
Valid values are: 0- No downsampling 1- Average downsampling 2- Subsampling 3- Bicubic downsampling Default value: 3 |
To | Integer | Specifies DPI for resulting images.
Default value: 300 |
IfAbove | Integer | All monochrome images with DPI above this value will be optimized.
Default value: 450 |
Comp Table
Name | Type | Value |
Color | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for compressing fullcolor images. |
Grayscale | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for compressing grayscale images. |
Indexed | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for compressing images with indexed palette. |
Mono | Dictionary | Specifies parameters for compressing monochome images (1bit color). |
Color Table (Comp)
Name | Type | Value |
Method | Integer | Specifies a method which will be used for compressing fullcolor images.
Valid values are: 0- Retain existing 1- JPEG2000 2- JPEG 3- ZIP Default value: 2 |
JPEGQuality | Integer | Used if JPEG or JPEG2000 compression method selected.
Valid values are: 0= Minimum 1= Low 2= Medium 3= High 4= Maximum 5= Lossless (only for JPEG2000) Default value: 2 |
JPEG2000Tile | Integer | Don't used.
Default value: 256 |
Grayscale Table (Comp)
Name | Type | Value |
Method | Integer | Specifies a method which will be used for compressing grayscale images.
Valid values are: 0- Retain existing 1- JPEG2000 2- JPEG 3- ZIP Default value: 2 |
JPEGQuality | Integer | Used if JPEG or JPEG2000 compression method selected.
Valid values are: 0= Minimum 1= Low 2= Medium 3= High 4= Maximum 5= Lossless (only for JPEG2000) Default value: 2 |
JPEG2000Tile | Integer | Don't used.
Default value: 256 |
Indexed Table (Comp)
Name | Type | Value |
Method | Integer | Specifies a method which will be used for compressing images with indexed palette.
Valid values are: 0- Retain existing 1- ZIP 2- Run Length 3- LZW Default value: 1 |
Mono Table (Comp)
Name | Type | Value |
Method | Integer | Specifies a method which will be used for compressing monochrome images.
Valid values are: 0- Retain existing 1- JBIG2 2- CCIT Croup 3 3- CCIT Croup 4 4- ZIP 5- Run Length Default value: 1 |
JBIG2Quality | Integer | Don't used.
Default value: 0 |
Fonts Table
Name | Type | Value |
Enabled | Boolean | If Enabled == false then optimize will not be use for fonts.
Default value: true |
NotUnembed | Boolean | For 5.5(Build 316.1) or early version only.
Is unavailable in newest version. If true then do not unembed any font. If false then unembed fonts listed in UnembedFonts list. If UnembedFonts list is empty and this value is false then unembed recommendable fonts. Default value: false |
UnembedType | Integer | Specified a way for unembedding fonts.
0 - do not unembed any font. 1 - unembed recommendable fonts only. 2 - unembed all fonts. 3 - unembed fonts listed in UnembedFonts list. Unavailable in old version. Default value: 1 |
SubsetAll | Boolean | Don`t used.
Default value: true |
MergeSubsets | Boolean | If true then all font`s subsets will be merged.
Default value: true |
UnembedFonts | Array | Array of Dictionary(UnembedFonts)
Specifies an array of fonts which will be unembeded. Take effect if UnembedType=3 only (or NotUnembed=false for old version). Otherwise is ignored. |
UnembedFonts Table
Name | Type | Value |
FontObjNom | Integer | Specifies a font handle from document.
Default value: 0 |
FontName | String | Specifies a font name.
Default value: Empty String |
Transparency Table (Not yet implemented)
Name | Type | Value |
Enabled | Boolean | Specifies...
Default value: true |
Quality | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 2 |
LowTransLevel | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 75 |
LowLineArtText | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 288 |
LowGradientMeshes | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 144 |
LowFlags | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 10 |
MediumTransLevel | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 75 |
MediumLineArtText | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 300 |
MediumGradientMeshes | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 150 |
MediumFlags | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 14 |
HightTransLevel | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 100 |
HightLineArtText | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 1200 |
HightGradientMeshes | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 300 |
HightFlags | Integer | Specifies...
Default value: 12 |
DiscardObjects Table
Name | Type | Value |
Enabled | Boolean | Specifies if discard objects is enabled.
Default value: true |
Flags | Integer | 0x001 = Discard all form submission, import and reset actions
0x002 = not used 0x004 = Discard all JavaScript actions 0x008 = Discard all alternate images 0x010 = Discard embedded page thumbnails 0x020 = not used 0x040 = not used 0x080 = Detect and merge image fragments 0x100 = Discard embedded print setting 0x200 = not used 0x400 = Discard bookmarks Default value: 8 |
DiscardUserData Table
Name | Type | Value |
Enabled | Boolean | Specifies if discard user`s data is enabled.
Default value: true |
Flags | Integer | 0x001 = Discard all Comments, forms and multimedia
0x002 = Discard document information and metadata 0x004 = not used 0x008 = Discard file attachments 0x010 = Discard external cross references 0x020 = Discard private data of other applications 0x040 = Discard hidden layer content and flatten visible layers Default value: 0 |
CleanUp Table
Name | Type | Value |
Enabled | Boolean | Specifies if cleanup document is enabled.
Default value: true |
CleanUpCompress | Integer | Don't used.
Default value: 0 |
Flags | Integer | 0x001= Use Flate to encode streams that are not encoded
0x002= In streams that use LZW encoding use Flate instead 0x004= Discard invalid bookmarks 0x008= Discard invalid links 0x010= Discard unreferenced named destinations 0x020= not used 0x040= not used 0x080= Discard duplicates of Fonts 0x100= Discard duplicates of Images 0x200= Discard duplicates of XForms 0x400= Find and Remove the content outside of crop box Default value: 1007 |