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Revision as of 07:36, 14 March 2016 by Palamar (Talk | contribs)

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Options Table

Name Type Value
PagesRange Dictionary Specifies the pages that will have their properties changed.
Mask Integer Specifies the mask of the pages properties that should be changed. Possible values are:

Rotation - 1

Tab Order - 2

Open Actions - 4

Close Actions - 8

Default value: 0

TabOrder Integer Specifies the tab order that shall be used for annotations on the page.

The list of possible values are shown in the table.

Default value: 0 (Undefined)

Rotation Integer Specifies the pages rotation value that should be multiple of 90.

Default value: 0

OpenActions IUnknown Specifies the open actions list.
CloseActions IUnknown Specifies the close actions list.