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Options Table

Name Type Value
PagesRange Dictionary Specifies the pages range that will be inserted from the document into the source destination.
Position Integer Specifies the position where the pages will be inserted.

Default value: -1

CommentsAction Integer Specifies what should be done to the annotations on pages.

Possible values are:

0 (Copy) The annotations will be copied from the original pages into source destination.
1 (Flatten) The annotations will become a part of the original pages' content.
2 (DontCopy) The annotations won't be copied to the destination.

Default value: 0 (Copy)

FieldsAction Integer Specifies what should be done to the fields on pages.

Possible values are:

0 (Copy) The form fields will be copied from the original pages into source destination.
1 (Flatten) The form fields will become a part of the original pages' content.
2 (DontCopy) The form fields won't be copied to the destination.

Default value: 1 (Flatten)

BookmarksAction Integer Specifies the action that would be applied to the bookmarks.

Possible values are:

0 (DontCopy) The bookmarks won't be copied at all.
1 (CopyAll) All of the bookmarks will be added to the destination. Bookmarks, that are not related to the current root bookmark, in a new file will not perform any action, - they will be only listed in the Bookmark Pane.
2 (CopyRelated) Only the related bookmarks will be copied to the destination document.

Default value: 1 (CopyAll)

LastSrcMode Integer Specifies the select last source mode.

Possible values are:

0 (FromFile) The set LastSrcFile param.
1 (FromOpenedDoc) The set LastSrcDoc param.

Default value: 1 (FromOpenedDoc)

LastSrcFile String Specifies the path to file.

Default value: Empty String

LastSrcDoc String Specifies the path to doc.

Default value: Empty String

Location Integer Determines if the selected pages will be inserted Before or After the target page.

Possible values are:

0 (Before) Inserted Before the target page.
1 (After) Inserted After the target page.

Default value: 1 (After)

Src IUnknown Specifies the source data (IAFS_Name, IAFS_File).