The method of interface of PDF-XChange Editor SDK.
HRESULT DrawPolyPolygon ([in] IUIX_PolyPolygonSrc* pPP, |
[in, defaultvalue (0.0)] double nRoundRadius, |
[in, defaultvalue (1.0)] double nOpacity, |
[in, defaultvalue (-1)] VARIANT_BOOL bClosed); |
- pPP
- [in] Pointer to IUIX_PolyPolygonSrc.
- pBrush
- [in] Pointer to IUIX_Brush.
- pPen
- [in] Pointer to IUIX_Pen.
- stClipRect
- [in] Pointer to RECT.
- nRoundRadius
- [in, defaultvalue(0.0)] Value of double.
- nOpacity
- [in, defaultvalue(1.0)] Value of double.
- bClosed
- [in, defaultvalue(-1)] Value of VARIANT_BOOL.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.
See Also