IPXS_Inst Interface

From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Revision as of 14:05, 29 March 2015 by Socrat (Talk | contribs) (Methods)

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The interface of object of PDF-XChange Editor SDK.


Method Description
AtomToStr Gets the string associated with the specified atom.
AtomToStrRaw Gets string associated with the specified atom as a raw string.
Create_EncodeFiltersArray Creates empty IPXS_EncodeFiltersArray object.
CreateCabPDFDataProvider Creates empty Cab Data Provider object that uses PDF as a storage for CAB.
CreateNewDoc Creates empty document object.
GetStreamDecoder Get a stream decoder of specified type.
GetStreamEncoder Get a stream encoder of specified type.
HasAtom Tests whether an atom exists for the specified string
HasAtomRaw Tests whether an atom exists for the specified raw string
NewVar Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant object based on specified value.
NewVar_Array Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Array type.
NewVar_Boolean Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Boolean type.
NewVar_Dict Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Dictinary type.
NewVar_Double Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Double type.
NewVar_DoubleEx Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Double type with specified precision.
NewVar_FromBuf Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant based on its raw representation.
NewVar_Int Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Integer type.
NewVar_Int64 Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Integer type for values exceeds 32-bit integer limits.
NewVar_Name Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Name type from string.
NewVar_NameAtom Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Name type from atom.
NewVar_NameRaw Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Name type from raw string.
NewVar_Null Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Null.
NewVar_Stream Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_Stream.
NewVar_String Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_String from string.
NewVar_StringRaw Creates new IPXS_PDFVariant with PVT_String from raw string.
RegisterStreamFilter Add specified [[PXV:IPXS_DecodeFilter|filter] to the list of registered filters.
StrToAtom Gets atom for the specified string.
StrToAtomRaw Gets atom for the specified raw string.
UnregisterStreamFilter Remove specified filter from the list of registered filters.