IPXV_Inst Interface

From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Revision as of 02:33, 21 March 2015 by Serg (Talk | contribs)

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The interface of general object of PDF-XChange Editor SDK. Inherits from the IDispatch interface.


Method Description
AddDefaultTranslationData Adds special xml with default(built-in) strings for UI-localization. Each module(plug-in) can add its own default strings inside his IPXV_Plugin::FinalizeRegistering() procedure.
AddPlugin Adds a plugin object to the instance.
AddPluginFromFile Adds a plugin to the instance from specified file.  Function can be called only in plugins loading mode.
AsyncDo Runs the specified operation in background thread.
AsyncDoAndWaitForFinish Run operation in background thread and wait (with non-blocking UI) for finish.
ClearHistory Removes documents opening history entirely.
CreateAnnotsList Creates new container: annotations list.
CreateBookmList Creates new container: bookmarks list.
CreateMeasureUnitsConvTbl Creates an special conversion-table to translate on-fly the entered by user value from other units to current unit.
CreateNewMainFrm Creates new main frame window.
CreateOp Creates new operation-object.
CreateOpenDocParams Creates structured container of parameters that might be used for opening documents.
CreatePageSizeCtl Creates UI-control to show/change the page size..
CreatePageSizeHelper ...
CreateStdPresetsButton Creates new presets button to provide to user the simple access to presets list.
CreateStdPresetsCallbacks Creates new standard presets management helper.
CreateStdRangeCtl Creates special UI-control to show/change the pages range.
ExecUICmd Runs the UI-command specified by unigue name.
ExecUICmd2 Runs the UI-command specified by unigue identifier.
ExecuteJS Executes the specified Java Script.
FindDocByCoreDoc Finds opened document by pointer to core-document object.
FindDocByID Finds opened document by unique identifier.
FindDocBySrcFile Finds opened document by pointer to source file object.
FindDocBySrcFileName Finds opened document by pointer source file name object.
FindDocBySrcFileName2 Finds opened document by source file name.
FinishLoadingPlugins Finish a loading plugins mode for the instance. This method can be called only once.
FireAppPrefsChanged Notifies all listeners about changes of preferences in specified category.
FireAppPrefsChanged2 Notifies all listeners about complex changes of preferences.
FireCmdCustomizationEvent Notifies all listeners about new customization of toolbars/menus.
FormatFileSize Formats file size as text for display.
FormatMeasureValue Formats measurement value.
FormatNumber ...
GetActionHandler ...
GetAnnotHandler Gets handler for PDF-annotation.
GetDlgParentWindow Gets handle of right parent window for dialog that will be displayed for specified document.
GetDocSelectionHandler Gets document selection handler by specified document and selection-object.
GetExtension Gets an extension by its unique name.
GetHandlerForAction Gets the PDF-action handler by action type identifier.
GetLocalNameForSave Shows Save File dialog and gets destination file name that is specified by user.
GetLocalNamesForOpen Shows Open File dialog and gets the file(s) chosed by user to open.
GetLocalPathName Show Select Folder dialog and gets destination folder path that is specified by user.
GetLocalStr Gets localized string by specified unique string indentifier.
GetLocalStr2 Gets localized string by specified unique numerical indentifier.
GetMeasureUnitInfo Gets special info about specified unit of measurement.
GetPathToHistory Gets path to source of document opening history.
GetPathToUserSettings Gets path to source of user's preferences.
GetPluginSettings Gets reference to node in application's options-storage that contains all settings of specified plugin.
GetPrinters Gets names list of all installed printers.
GetStdFolder Gets full path to special program folder.
GetTextFromHRes Gets user friendly decription text of error- of warning- code value(HRESULT).
GetTool Gets the tool object by specified identifier of tool.
ID2Str Converts numerical identifier that was previously obtained by Str2ID  to corresponding string identifier.
Init Initializes the main instance object.
IsCmdBarVisible Gets visibility state of toolbar.
IsCmdBarVisible2 Gets visibility state of toolbar.
ModifyCoreDoc Changes modified state of the core-document.
ModifyDoc Changes modified state of the opened document.
NewCoreDoc ...
PerformActions Executes the PDF-action.
RegisterActionHandler Registers new PDF-action handler.
RegisterDocSelectionHandler Registers new document selection handler.
RegisterExportConverter Registers new export-PDF-to-other converter.
RegisterExtension Registers a custom extension.
RegisterImportConverter Registers new import-something -to-PDF converter.
RegisterOpCreator Registers new creator for operations.
RegisterTool Registers new tool-object that extends interaction level for pages view.
RegisterViewCreator Registers new creator of common UI-objects that implements IPXV_View interface.
ResetCmdCustomization Removes toolbars customization.
RestartTimer Restarts the custom timer.
SaveHistory Saves documents opening history to specified storage.
SaveUserSettings Save all user's preferences to specified storage.
SetReservedLowMemory ...
SetStdFolder Changes location of special program folder.
SetupMeasureEditFilter Prepares editbox control to show/edit values in specified unit of measurement.
ShowChooseFontDlg Displays built-in dialog for choosing font.
ShowCmdBar Shows/hides toolbar by specified string identifier.
ShowCmdBar2 Shows/hides toolbar by specified numeric identifier.
ShowCreateFileErrDlg Displays message with user-friendly description of file creation error. Provides additional options for user.
ShowEditActionListDlg Displays built-in dialog for edit specified PDF-actions list.
Shutdown Closes the main instance object.
StartLoadingPlugins Begins the plugins loading mode for the instance. This method can be called only once.
StartTimer Starts new custom timer.
StopAllTimers Stops all custom timers by specified timer-handler.
StopTimer Stops the custom timer.
Str2ID Converts string identifier to numerical identifier.
Str2Number Converts text to number.
SyncronizeAllDocPanesLayouts Makes equal UI-panes layout in all opened documents.
ThreadSafeCall Calls in main thread the OnThreadSafeCall() function of specified IPXV_ThreadSafeCallback callback-interface.
UnregisterDocSelectionHandler Unregister document selection handler.
UnregisterOpCreator Unregister operations creator.
UnregisterViewCreator Unregisters a creator of common UI-objects that implements IPXV_View interface.
UpdateProp Updates specified property item im Properties Pane.
UpdateProps Updates all UI that shows properties of selection (properties pane, toolbar, etc)..


Property Access Type Description
ActionHandlersCount R Gets number of registered handlers of PDF-actions.
ActiveDoc R/W Gets/sets active document.
ActiveDocView R Gets active document view object.
ActiveMainView R Gets active main view object.
AnnotStateModelManager R Gets annotation-state models manager.
APIVersion R .
AppType R .
CommentStylesManager R Gets manager of comment-styles.
DefaultProgressMon R Gets default progress monitor.
DefaultTool R/W Gets/sets the default tool.
DefaultToolID R Gets identifier of default tool.
DispMeasureUnit R Gets current unit of measurement.
Doc R Gets opened document by specified index.
DocCount R Gets number of opened documents.
EventServer R Gets global event-server object.
EventsRegistry R Gets global events registry object.
ExportConverter R .
ExportConvertersCount R .
ImportConverter R .
ImportConvertersCount R .
IsHistoryLoaded R Gets history loaded flag.
IsPortable R Gets portable application flag.
LastActiveTool R Gets last activated tool.
LastActiveToolID R Gets identifier of last activated tool.
MainFrm R Gets main frame object by specified index.
MainFrmCount R Gets the number of opened main frames.
ProgressMon R/W Gets/sets progress actual monitor.
SelectedStamp R/W .
Settings R Gets object that provides access to all application's settings.
State R .
ThreadID R Returns identifier of main thread.