
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Revision as of 22:47, 26 May 2015 by Palamar (Talk | contribs)

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Options Table

Name Type Value
Mask Integer Specifies the PXC_OpModifyBookmMaskFlags.

Default value: 0

Title String Specifies the new title of the bookmark.

Default value: Empty String

Color String Specifies the new color in the text representation.

Default value: rgb(0,0,0)

Style Integer Specifies the PXC_BookmarkStyle flags of the bookmark.

Default value: 0

StyleMask Integer Specifies the style mask for the style flags.

Default value: -1

Actions IUnknown Specifies the IPXC_ActionsList of the bookmark. Note that if the Actions and Dest parameters are both specified then only the Actions will be used.
Dest Dictionary Specifies the destination parameters which can be used when the actions list is not specified.
IsOpened Boolean Specifies whether the open state of the bookmark.

Default value: false