IXC_MemoryType Enumeration
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Specifies the image encoding memory type.
enum IXC_MemoryType { MemoryType_1bpp = 1, MemoryType_4bpp = 2, MemoryType_8bpp = 3, MemoryType_16bpp = 4, MemoryType_24bpp = 5, MemoryType_32bpp = 6, MemoryType_4RLE = 7, MemoryType_8RLE = 8, };
- MemoryType_1bpp
- Monochrome image (1 bit per pixel), and palette (which must be specified) contains up to 2 entries. Each bit in the image array represents a pixel.
- MemoryType_4bpp
- The image has a maximum of 16 colors, and palette (which must be specified) contains up to 16 entries. Each pixel in the image is represented by a 4-bit index within the palette.
- MemoryType_8bpp
- The image has a maximum of 256 colors, and palette (which must be specified) contains up to 256 entries. Each pixel in the image is represented by one byte, the value of which is an index within the palette.
- MemoryType_16bpp
- HighColor image (16 bits per pixel).
- MemoryType_24bpp
- TrueColor image (24 bits per pixel).
- MemoryType_32bpp
- DeepColor image (32 bits per pixel).
- MemoryType_4RLE
- The same as MemoryType_4bpp, however the image data contained in the data array is compressed by the RLE method.
- For this type of the image, if stride is negative, data represents a vertically flipped image (such as in a BMP file), otherwise it represents a normally oriented image.
- MemoryType_8RLE
- The same as MemoryType_8bpp, but the image data contained in the data array is compressed by the RLE method.
- For this type of the image, if stride is negative, data represents a vertically flipped image (such as in a BMP file) otherwise it represents a normally oriented image.