IPXC_CState::Compare Method

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Compares two IPXC_CState objects. Objects that belong to different documents are never equal.


HRESULT Compare([in]           IPXC_CState*  pState,
                [out, retval]  LONG*         pResult);


[in] The IPXC_CState object to compare.
[out, retval] Pointer to LONG variant that will get result of comparison. If objects are equal it will be 0 (zero). Otherwise, it will be -1 or 1. The result is useful for ordering IPXC_CState objects.
The following conditions apply:
If a.Compare(b) == 0, then b.Compare(a) == 0.
If a.Compare(b) > 0, then b.Compare(a) < 0.
If a.Compare(b) < 0, then b.Compare(a) > 0.
If a.Compare(b) == 0, and b.Compare(c) == 0, then a.Compare(c) == 0.
If a.Compare(b) > 0, and b.Compare(c) > 0, then a.Compare(c) > 0.
If a.Compare(b) < 0, and b.Compare(c) < 0, then a.Compare(c) < 0.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.

See Also

See also IPXC_CState.