IUIX_CmdBar Interface
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
This interface is used to manage command boxes in the current command bar. Also, it allows changing the command bar's properties.
IUIX_CmdBar extends IUIX_ObjImpl interface.
_NewEnum | Icon | IsPopupBox | Owner |
ActualSize | ID | IsPopupMenu | Parent |
BorderStyle | IsFloating | IsVert | Size |
Count | IsHidden | Item | Title |
Font | IsMinimized | Line | UpdatesLocked |
HasChevron |
See Also
IUIX_CmdHandler::OnCreateNewCtl, IUIX_CmdItem::Bar, IUIX_CmdLine::GetBarIndex, IUIX_CmdLine::InsertBar, IUIX_CmdLine::Item, IUIX_CmdPane::InsertBar, IUIX_Inst::CreateCmdBar, IUIX_ScrollContainer::CmdBar, IUIX_PropHost::OnShowProps, IPXV_MainView::CmdBar, IPXV_MainView::CmdBar2, IPXV_MainView::MenuBar, IPXV_MainView::PropsBar