op.textToDoc IOpInputItem additional parameters

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Additional parameters for the wrapped input item of the textToDoc operation are generally used when there is a need to setup the additional parameters for each file (Text Encoding, New Paragraph Mode, Prefix Length and Place File Mode).

Parameters Table

Name Type Value
Encoding Integer Specifies the code page's index that will be used for the Text Encoding.

Default value: 0

ParaMode Integer Specifies the New Paragraph Mode.

Possible values are:

0 (AutoDetect) Automatically detects paragraphs.
1 (Each2NewPara) Each new line character starts a new paragraph.
2 (Double2NewPara) Double newline character starts a new paragraph, single ones are ignored.
3 (Double2NewParaSingle2Space) Double newline character starts a new paragraph, single ones are being converted to spaces.

Default value: 0

PrefixLen Integer Specifies length of a prefix.

Default value: 0

FileMode Integer Specifies a File Placement Mode.

Possible values are:

0 (NewPara) Starts each file from a new paragraph.
1 (NewPage) Starts each file from a new page.

Default value: 0

See Also
