IPXC_Page::InsertNewAnnotFromDict Method
From PDF XChange PDF SDK
Inserts new annotation with given variant dictionary into the given position with given Z-order.
HRESULT InsertNewAnnotFromDict([in] IPXS_PDFVariant* AnnotDict, [in, defaultvalue(NULL)] PXC_Rect* Location, [in, defaultvalue(-1)] ULONG Pos, [out, retval, defaultvalue(NULL)] IPXC_Annotation** Annot);
- AnnotDict
- [in] Pointer to IPXS_PDFVariant containing the source variant dictionary for the annotation insertion.
- Location
- [in, defaultvalue(NULL)] Pointer to PXC_Rect containing the coordinates of the inserted annotation.
- Pos
- [in, defaultvalue(-1)] Position in annotation's Z-order on page. By default the inserted annotation will appear on top of the other annotations on the page.
- Annot
- [out, retval, defaultvalue(NULL)] Pointer to IPXC_Annotation containing the resulting annotation.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.