IUIX_CmdPane::InsertBar Method

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Inserts command bar into the command pane's command line into given position.


HRESULT InsertBar([in]                    IUIX_CmdBar*  pBar,
                  [in, defaultvalue(-1)]  LONG          nLineIndex,
                  [in, defaultvalue(-1)]  LONG          nBarIndex,
                  [in, defaultvalue(0)]   VARIANT_BOOL  bForceToNewLine);


[in] Pointer to IUIX_CmdBar containing the command bar that would be inserted.
[in, defaultvalue(-1)] Value of LONG containing the index of the command line, where the command bar would be inserted.
[in, defaultvalue(-1)] Value of LONG containing the index in the command line's command bar array where the command bar would be inserted.
[in, defaultvalue(0)] Value of VARIANT_BOOL that indicates whether the new line should be created at the given line index.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.

See Also
