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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
The operation overview allows you to insert pages from another PDF into the current document.
The operation overview allows you to insert pages into the current document from another PDF document.
== Parameters ==
== Parameters ==

Revision as of 02:20, 1 March 2016


The operation overview allows you to insert pages into the current document from another PDF document.


Name Type Description
Input IUnknown IUnknown-based object containing the IPXC_Document that will have it's pages changed.
Output IUnknown IUnknown-based object containing the IPXC_Document that had it's pages changed.
Options Dictionary Dictionary with options of the operation.


02private void InsertPages(PDFXEdit.IPXV_Document Doc, PDFXEdit.PXV_Inst Inst)
04    int nID = Inst.Str2ID("op.document.insertPages", false);
05    PDFXEdit.IOperation pOp = Inst.CreateOp(nID);
06    PDFXEdit.ICabNode input = pOp.Params.Root["Input"];
07    input.v = Doc;
08    PDFXEdit.ICabNode options = pOp.Params.Root["Options"];
09    //Creating IAFS_Name path from string path
10    PDFXEdit.IAFS_Inst fsInst = (PDFXEdit.IAFS_Inst)Inst.GetExtension("AFS");
11    PDFXEdit.IAFS_Name destPath = fsInst.DefaultFileSys.StringToName("D:\\TestFile.pdf");
12    options["Position"].v = 0; //First page
13    options["Location"].v = "Before"; //The pages will be inserted before first page
14    options["CommentsAction"].v = "Copy"; //Copy all comments
15    options["FieldsAction"].v = "Copy"; //Copy all fields
16    options["BookmarksAction"].v = "CopyRelated"; //Copy bookmarks that are related to the inserted pages
17    options["Src"].v = destPath; //Source document
18    options["PagesRange.Type"].v = "Exact";
19    options["PagesRange.Text"].v = "1-3"; //Select pages range that will be deleted from the document
20    pOp.Do();