IBitSet::SetWithGrow Method

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{{#customTitle:IBitSet::SetWithGrow Method}}
{{#customTitle:IBitSet::SetWithGrow Method}}

Revision as of 14:21, 26 May 2015

Sets a given bit set item with a given value. If item's index exceeds the bit set size, it will be expanded to accommodate that item.

New added items will be filled with false value.


HRESULT SetWithGrow([in]                    ULONG         nIndex,
                    [in, defaultvalue(-1)]  VARIANT_BOOL  bOn);


[in] Index of the item that needs to be set with a value.
[in, defaultvalue(-1)] New value of the given item.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if the operation was successful otherwise an error code is returned.

See Also
