IIXC_Inst::Page_CreateFromClipboard Method

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== Parameters ==
== Parameters ==
:[in]  Pointer to the array of standard clipboard format flags in the Windows API.
:[in]  Pointer to ULONG.
:[in]  Value of ULONG the variable that contain size of types.
:[in]  Value of ULONG.
:[out]  Pointer to LONG returned the variable that contain index of type.
:[out]  Pointer to LONG.
:[out, retval]  Pointer to [[PXV:IIXC_Page|IIXC_Page]].
:[out, retval]  Pointer to [[PXV:IIXC_Page|IIXC_Page]].

Revision as of 05:50, 12 June 2015

The method creates a page from image data contained in the clipboard..


HRESULT Page_CreateFromClipboard([in]           UINT*        nTypes,
                                 [in]           ULONG        nCount,
                                 [out]          LONG*        nIndex,
                                 [out, retval]  IIXC_Page**  pPage);


[in] Pointer to ULONG.
[in] Value of ULONG.
[out] Pointer to LONG.
[out, retval] Pointer to IIXC_Page.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.

See Also