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(Automatic page editing by robot)
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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
The operation overview...
The operation allows to export document pages to the image files with given DPI, zoom factor and specified format.
== Parameters ==
== Parameters ==
Line 26: Line 26:
| Dictionary with options of the operation.
| Dictionary with options of the operation.
== Sample ==
<pre class="brush:c#">//C#
private void ExportToImages(PDFXEdit.IPXV_Document Doc, PDFXEdit.PXV_Inst Inst)
int nID = Inst.Str2ID("op.document.exportToImages", false);
PDFXEdit.IOperation Op = Inst.CreateOp(nID);
PDFXEdit.ICabNode input = Op.Params.Root["Input"];
input.Add().v = Doc;
PDFXEdit.ICabNode options = Op.Params.Root["Options"];
options["PagesRange.Type"].v = "Exact";
options["PagesRange.Text"].v = "1-3";
options["DestFolder"].v = "D:\\TestFolder\\"; //Output folder
options["ExportMode"].v = "AllToMutliPage";
options["Zoom"].v = 150;
//Saving as tiff
PDFXEdit.ICabNode fmtParams = options["FormatParams"];
//Compression type
fmtParams["COMP"].v = 5; //LZW compression
fmtParams["DPIX"].v = 150;
fmtParams["DPIY"].v = 150;
//Image format
fmtParams["FMT"].v = 1414088262; //TIFF
//Image type
fmtParams["ITYP"].v = 16; //24 TrueColor
//Use Predictor
fmtParams["PRED"].v = 1; //Yes
fmtParams["ITYP"].v = 0; //No

Revision as of 00:49, 22 February 2016


The operation allows to export document pages to the image files with given DPI, zoom factor and specified format.


Name Type Description
Input Array Array of IUnknown-based objects.
Output Array Array of IUnknown-based objects.
Options Dictionary Dictionary with options of the operation.


private void ExportToImages(PDFXEdit.IPXV_Document Doc, PDFXEdit.PXV_Inst Inst)
	int nID = Inst.Str2ID("op.document.exportToImages", false);
	PDFXEdit.IOperation Op = Inst.CreateOp(nID);
	PDFXEdit.ICabNode input = Op.Params.Root["Input"];
	input.Add().v = Doc;
	PDFXEdit.ICabNode options = Op.Params.Root["Options"];
	options["PagesRange.Type"].v = "Exact";
	options["PagesRange.Text"].v = "1-3";
	options["DestFolder"].v = "D:\\TestFolder\\"; //Output folder
	options["ExportMode"].v = "AllToMutliPage";
	options["Zoom"].v = 150;
	//Saving as tiff
	PDFXEdit.ICabNode fmtParams = options["FormatParams"];
	//Compression type
	fmtParams["COMP"].v = 5; //LZW compression
	//X DPI
	fmtParams["DPIX"].v = 150;
	//Y DPI
	fmtParams["DPIY"].v = 150;
	//Image format
	fmtParams["FMT"].v = 1414088262; //TIFF
	//Image type
	fmtParams["ITYP"].v = 16; //24 TrueColor
	//Use Predictor
	fmtParams["PRED"].v = 1; //Yes
	fmtParams["ITYP"].v = 0; //No
