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Options Table

Name Type Value
IsOffset Boolean Specifies whether to use given rectangles as offsets or as real rectangle coordinates on page.

Default value: false

PagesRange Dictionary Specifies the pages range which the operation should be applied to.
MediaBox Dictionary Specifies the media box coordinates or offsets.
CropBox Dictionary Specifies the crop box coordinates or offsets.
TrimBox Dictionary Specifies the trim box coordinates or offsets.
ArtBox Dictionary Specifies the art box coordinates or offsets.
BleedBox Dictionary Specifies the bleed box coordinates or offsets.
Flags Integer Specifies the flags for the operation.
0 (None) none of the boxes will be modified;
1 (Media) media box will be modified;
2 (Crop) crop box will be modified.
4 (Trim) trim box will be modified.
8 (Art) art box will be modified.
16 (Bleed) bleed box will be modified.
256 (RemoveWhiteSp) the pages would be cropped by their content's bound box. Note that this flag is used remotely from all of the boxes flags, meaning that the boxes flags would be ignored.
512 (WithRedaction) removes content outside of the crop box area.

Default value: 0