IPXV_Inst::CreateNewMainFrm Method

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== Parameters ==
== Parameters ==
:[in]  HANDLE_T Handle to the Parent window for the frame.
:[in]  HANDLE_T Handle to the parent window for the frame. Pass NULL to create the floating frame window or window-handle of your form/container to integrate the new frame window into your.
:[in]  Pointer to RECT structure that contains the location and dimensions of the new frame.
:[in]  Pointer to RECT structure that contains the location and dimensions of the new frame.

Revision as of 13:56, 24 May 2015

Creates a new main frame window.


HRESULT CreateNewMainFrm([in]                       HANDLE_T          hWndParent,
                         [in]                       RECT*             pPos,
                         [in, defaultvalue(0)]      LONG              nCreateFlags,
                         [out, defaultvalue(NULL)]  IPXV_MainFrame**  ppMainFrm);


[in] HANDLE_T Handle to the parent window for the frame. Pass NULL to create the floating frame window or window-handle of your form/container to integrate the new frame window into your.
[in] Pointer to RECT structure that contains the location and dimensions of the new frame.
[in, defaultvalue(0)] A set of PXV_CreateMainFrmFlags that controlling the new main frame creation.
[out, defaultvalue(NULL)] Pointer to IPXV_MainFrame object pointer for the newly created frame.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if operation was successful or error code in other cases.

See Also